A Barred Owl Bard! Ink, colored pencil, and just a little bit of watercolor paint for the sky. My father now owns the original.
Ink, colored pencil and watercolors.
An acrylic painting of a crocodile-headed woman. Or a woman bodied crocodile?
My largest acrylic painting to date, on 22"x28" canvas board. Based on a dream I had only days prior.
The Frozen Flame, as a tea light holder for a very old friend. The Frozen Flame is property of Square Soft, from their game Chrono Cross.
Tropical Paradise incense stick holder!
Moon-Eater; acrylic paint on canvas.
Mantis Love. A tiny acrylic painting, on 8"x8" canvas!
Self, in ink.
As the image says- this is an American Toad tea light holder! A pleasure to work on for a commissioner.
In a Dream. Ink and watercolors, for a trade with a lovely artist.
Vultures at Dusk. Based on a scene I witnessed just outside my house. Acrylics on 8x8" canvas.
Expect a second art-dump soon!